Collaboration is the Key has now undergone a project of forming a collaboration cluster for the University in Poland

Państwowa Uczelnia Zawodowa im. Ignacego Mościckiego w Ciechanowie might become the beneficiary for the collaboration contract provided by the in Poland. The educational institution will be a host to the local and remote collaborative services as a Cluster, co-maged by – Future Consulting Services Ltd.

Such established collaboration is being implemented as a part of the Joint Cluster Initiatives (EUROCLUSTERS) for Europe’s recovery process that is leading for the Educational organisations in the Republic of Poland.

As the head of Operations, COO Michal P. Dybowski told “It is vital to generate strong partnerships between UK and the EU despite the political aspects, as it helps people and local communities to thrive despite ideological barriers.”, then he added “Where is a will like ours, there is a need for development and growth and we have proven it with this venture.”

The Cluster is connecting SMEs from the local area of the University along the public administration, few stakeholders and several companies from UK, Bulgaria and Spain. The project is focusing on the utilization of the University’s R&D potential for the local community building the environmental resilience and supporting the post pandemic recovery.

More about the University (in polish language):